Moti Bazar Road

 ¿Qué ver en Moti bazar road, Haridwar?

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Moti Bazar Road is a bustling market street located in the holy city of Haridwar, India. The road is lined with shops selling a variety of goods, including clothing, jewelry, handicrafts, and souvenirs. The prices are generally reasonable, and bargaining is common.

There is no official website for Moti Bazar Road, as it is a local market. However, the market is open daily from early morning until late evening, with some shops closing for a few hours in the afternoon.

In the surrounding area, there are several attractions worth visiting. One of the most popular is the Har Ki Pauri ghat, a sacred bathing spot on the Ganges river. Visitors can watch the evening aarti ceremony, where lamps are lit and prayers are offered to the river goddess. The ceremony takes place every day at sunset.

Another popular attraction is the Mansa Devi temple, which can be reached by cable car. The temple is dedicated to the goddess Mansa, and is believed to fulfill the wishes of devotees who visit and offer prayers.

Overall, Moti Bazar Road is a great place to shop, eat, and experience the unique culture of Haridwar. Visitors should be prepared for crowds and noise, but will be rewarded with a truly authentic Indian market experience.

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